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How to Get SDR Adoption for Mutiny Campaigns

Mutiny Team
Posted by Mutiny Team|Published on November 06, 2020
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1:1 ABM personalization made easy

See how ABM teams use Mutiny to engage target accounts at scale.

See how Mutiny works

Mutiny is a platform that lets you personalize for many target accounts at once, without having to build individual web experiences for each one. For example, you can insert variables like a company’s name and logo into Mutiny’s experience editor to dynamically personalize your website for target accounts. You can also build rules for personalization like “if industry is retail, show Under Armour case study.” The outcome is a unique page for every prospect.

1:1 personalized landing pages are extremely effective for improving cold outreach, because the prospect can easily understand how your solution helps them. Mutiny customers like Brex, Mode and Radar have used personalized pages to get 10X higher email responses and book 3X more meetings.

Typically ABM teams work with SDRs to build and execute personalized outbound campaigns. Below are 7 steps to seamlessly onboard SDRs to this strategy. But first, a word about why SDR adoption is so important.

Why SDR adoption is critical to outbound success

SDRs are usually responsible for researching target accounts and getting the attention of key prospects within the accounts.They know that personalization is crucial to booking meetings and are often looking for new tactics that cut through the noise and give them a competitive advantage. Enter Mutiny.

While SDRs are the ultimate key to scaling a personalized outbound strategy, we recommend that the marketing team work with SDRs to build and execute the first campaign. After ironing out the kinks and measuring the results, marketers can roll out the program to all SDRs for more scaled execution.

We’ve gathered best practices for SDR rollout from all our customers. Here is our guide to getting the program started on the right foot.

Phase 1: ABM lead builds MVP in consultation with 2 top SDRs

Step 1: Collaborate with 2 SDRs to build a great landing page template for personalization

Before onboarding your entire SDR team, find two proactive SDRs that have either been with the company for a while or are the people who regularly discover new strategies or hacks. The ideal profile is someone who likes to test different things, measure the results, iterate and optimize.

We highly recommend picking 2 to start -- this creates a small starting team while giving you exposure to 2 different styles and you can create a little competition between them :)

Set up a quick 15 minute sync with these SDRs. Ask them which slides or value props push prospects to the “Aha” moment and lock in a next meeting. Pay particular attention to the visuals used on the slide and the messaging. Ask what type of personalization they put into the slides or speak to in their conversations. Bake these insights into your landing page template.

For example, Radar enables location-based app experiences for its customers. When their ABM lead talked with SDRs on what resonates, he learned that showing an image of a phone with the prospective company’s app icon and a relevant push message got their prospects really excited, and made the solution and use cases crystal clear.

Radar’s ABM lead created a landing page that featured this image, structured in a way that they could easily variablize the app icon image and custom push message for each account.

Collaborate with 2 SDRs build a great landing page

Step 2: Build a scaled MVP and measure results with an AB test

Choose 500 contacts from one vertical in your target accounts. Split your account list in half  so that all contacts at a company get the same treatment. 250 contacts will be your control group, and the other 250 will be your personalized group. For your personalized group, import your contact data into Mutiny and create personalized pages for each of them.

Next, draft a 3 or 4 touch email sequence. Take a look at these templates for inspiration, and ask your champion SDRs for input. Use the same email outreach sequence for both control and personalized, with the only difference being that the personalized sequence includes links and screenshots of personalized pages.

Step 3: Optimize your campaign

Send half the campaign and review the funnel metrics from your AB test. Take a look at the following metrics to determine which part of the campaign may need iteration.

Deliverability rate (emails delivered / emails sent) → should be 95%+. If this is lower, you may have a data issue (e.g. your prospects are no longer with the company) or your domain may be marked as spam.

Open rate (emails opened / emails delivered) → should be at least 50%. If it’s lower, iterate on your subject line.

Page view rate (pages viewed / emails opened) → should be at least 10%. If it’s lower, iterate on email content and/or add touch points to the campaign.

Below is a template for an outbound campaign tracker you can use to determine which campaign parameters you need to iterate on. (You'll need to make a copy of it).

Get The Template

Once you've made the necessary optimizations, send the rest of the emails. At this point you should have excellent results that you can show your SDRs for a broader rollout.

Phase 2: Limited roll out with 2 SDRs to work out operational kinks

Step 4: Share your initial results and MVP strategy with your champion SDRs

Show your champion SDRs a couple examples of the different variations of pages you created, and the differences in response and conversion rates between the personalized and control groups from your initial experiment. Make sure they believe the strategy will help them hit their targets.

Step 5: Create pages for champion SDRs and start a friendly competition with a SPIFF

Create pages for 200 contacts for each SDR and give them a copy of your optimized campaign template. Keep them motivated to make the campaigns work by offering a $100 Amazon gift card for the most demos booked. Have them each send 50 emails a week and make it a 4 week contest. This will push the SDRs to try their best tactics and iterate week over week to find what works best.

Step 6: Launch the campaign and stay in close communication on Slack

Create a Slack channel for your ABM and SDR teams. Set up alerts in Mutiny to keep both teams looped in to target account activity. The channel makes a great place to celebrate wins together, collaborate on closing tactics, and prioritize the most engaged accounts.

To keep the competition fierce, report on results weekly.

 Launch the campaign close communication on Slack

Phase 3: Full rollout to all SDRs

Step 7: Roll out to rest of SDR team

The final step is to take the results to the rest of the SDR team and have your pioneer SDR pitch their insights to their teammates. Roll out pages to remaining SDRs, share your campaign templates, and invite them to the Slack channel.

Check in with the SDRs frequently to collect feedback and iterate on the campaign together. Finally, make sure the program works for both ABM and SDR stakeholders.

Mutiny Team

Mutiny Team

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