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Use Their Name, But Don't Wear It Out

Author - Phoebe Fasulo
Phoebe FasuloDirector of Digital Marketing
Company - Security Scorecard
Identify company names with an IP enrichment tool and launch an experience
Monitor trends and adjust your approach
Review your data, hypothesize and iterate
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What you’ll learn

  • How to use a company name variable in a way that adds value to your website visitors

What you’ll need

  • An IP enrichment tool to identify companies visiting your website and their industry
  • A web personalization platform that can dynamically update CTA’s
  • A web personalization platform that can create dynamic banners
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


SecurityScorecard provides cybersecurity ratings that are used for self-monitoring, third-party risk management, board reporting and cyber insurance underwriting. They benefit from being able to service multiple industries but are also in a very competitive space where, understandably, personalization efforts need to be tactful and relevant.The team has found that offering website visitors the opportunity to see their company’s cybersecurity score for free is a great way to provide value for the customer and to capture the prospect’s email address at the same time. However, while these scores are unique, the CTA has been generic across all companies and industries. Phoebe Fasulo, SecurityScorecard’s former Director of Digital Marketing, had a hunch she could drive more attention to the free offer and generate more leads in the process.

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


With an effective, value-providing lead gen experience already in-motion on the website, the team wanted to find a way to drive more visitors down the lucrative funnel. They thought if they could draw more attention to the free offer by calling out the company name, they would increase conversions.

Article Headline Icon -  THE SOLUTION


Identify company names with an IP enrichment tool and launch an experience

Using Mutiny’s integration with Clearbit, the team identified the company names of visitors coming into the SecurityScorecard website. 

Wanting to find a way to promote the free security rating to as many visitors as possible, their first step was to add a banner to the site that would display sitewide, saying “Get {company}’s free security rating! [GET SCORE]”. 

SecurityScorecard company name banner

They applied some content best practices to the banner copy:

  1. They kept it short and to the point

  2. They offered something really valuable to visitors

  3. The content was extremely clear as to what value the visitor would get from clicking

  4. They used an actionable CTA

  5. They included the company name, to draw extra attention

The team also updated the primary CTA on SecurityScorecard’s homepage to tout the free score program. Originally, the homepage promoted a video as the primary CTA and the security score as a secondary CTA. To increase attention to the free score, they swapped the CTAs so the free score was more prominent and included the company name to make it even more specific. They changed the CTA text from “GET INSTANT SCORE” to “SEE {COMPANY NAME}’s SCORE”.

SecurityScorecard Cloudfactory H1 + CTA

While the banner was getting a lot of attention and having a big payoff in terms of new leads getting their score, the CTA change was not performing as well.  

Not ready to give up on the idea yet, the team thought about how to make the CTA experience more strategic. They dug into the data and hypothesized why this may not be working as well as she expected. What they learned was that more regulated industries like healthcare and finance were not fans of seeing what they felt was sensitive information. However, tech companies showed positive results from seeing their company name, as they tend to appreciate good and helpful marketing. 

The team made a slight tweak to the experience’s segment targeting so the company name would only be shown in the CTA for tech companies. They launched their new experiment, eager for this iteration to be their big needle mover.

Review your data, hypothesize and iterate

The strategic approach to personalization paid off and the team saw an increase in leads from industries across the board. Instead of calling it a loss when results didn’t pan out in the first iteration, the team reviewed the initial data, made a new hypothesis, and iterated their way to a big win. They adjusted their initial strategy to focus on companies it would work well for, in this case, tech, while finding a solution that provided value to their other target industries.


Adding a banner calling out the company name alongside the free offer has resulted in an extra 60 leads per month. The addition of company names on the homepage CTA has generated an extra 65% more leads from tech visitors.And, SecurityScorecard developed a huge insight on effective personalization. Many people like to say that using a name variable is not personalization. Phoebe and her team learned that just using a name variable is not good personalization. You can use a name variable, but you need to use it in a strategic, value adding way - not just for novelty effect.

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